Join Lyon County 4-H

How do I join?

Youth join a 4-H Club by filling out annual enrollment forms and selecting the project areas they wish to explore for the year. It is a good idea to contact the Leader of the 4-H Club you think your family would like to join to let them know you are considering 4-H. They may also be able to answer questions and let you know if the next club meeting is at the regular date and time.

Each club has a unique character to it, which is part of the fun in 4-H. It's a good idea to visit a club or two and see if you feel your youth and family will enjoy working with the other 4-Hers in the club. After you've gotten to know who is active in a club that may help you make the best selection for your family. Feel free to come visit Rhett Newby, Lyon County 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent, if you have questions or just want to visit about 4-H in Lyon County. The Extension Office is located at 2632 W. Hwy 50 in Emporia, across from Bluestem's outdoor product lot. Feel free to call (620) 342-3220 with questions as well.

Why should I join 4-H?

Lyon County has 10 active 4-H Clubs that meet in various locations throughout the county. 4-H Clubs are small groups of youth supervised by one or more adult volunteer leader(s). 4-H Clubs hold regular meetings, elect officers, plan programs and work on 4-H projects. 4-H provides opportunities for all youth ages 7-19 to participate in innovative, fun programs through which they can develop valuable, lifelong skills.

Last year there were about 300 Lyon County 4-Hers enrolled in projects such as dog, hand pets, swine, rabbit, foods, clothing, arts and crafts, fibers arts, plant sciences, photography, entomology, shooting sports, woodworking and much, much more. 4-H is not just for "country kids" anymore.


Enroll today by checking out the enrollment information on the Enroll In 4-H tab.