Gary Fuller Spring Classic, May 3-4, 2025

The Gary Fuller Spring Classic is May 3-4 in Emporia, KS. Sheep, goats and cattle on May 3 and pigs on May 4. Day of show entries only (cash or check), no pre-entries. Please check out this years flyer for more information. We look forward to seeing you in Emporia!

gary fuller logo


4-H Camp at Rock Springs

Kansas 4-H is proud to offer camp expereince through the Rock Springs Ranch. There are many opportunities for youth who want to attend 4-H Camp along with many date options please refer to the Rock Springs Website for more information.


Lyon County 4-H Master Calendar

Are you looking for opportunities to get involved in Lyon County 4-H or want to be sure you aren't missing an important deadline? One way to stay informed is to check out our Lyon County 4-H Master Calendar. While it's not a guarantee every important piece of information or deadline is on the calendar, it’s a great place to check regularly for upcoming deadlines and learning opportunities for all Lyon County youth. And while the Master Calendar is a great tool, properly re-enrolling or enrolling in 4-H via 4-H Online ( also helps ensure that you receive communication from the Lyon County Extension Office. If you are not enrolled, you are missing out! Don’t forget to attend your monthly club meetings and county-wide project meetings. You will also learn more and be reminded of important deadlines by being active in your community club!

Click on the Calendar below to visit the Master Calendar! Be sure to bookmark this link!

Lyon County 4-H Master Calendar

Local Scholarships for Rock Springs 4-H Camp

Lyon County 4-H Council, the Carter Memorial, Young Farmers and Young Farm Wives and the Gail Milroy Memorial scholarships are available to Lyon County 4-Hers who will be attending 4-H camp at Rock Springs this summer. This is the first year 4-Hers from across the state are selecting the camping session that best fits their own summer plans. If you haven't looked into the awesome camping opportunities at Rock Springs 4-H Camp, be sure to check out their website.

Local scholarship applications are due to the Lyon County Extension Office on Monday, May 19, 2025, by 5 p.m. Please check out the application form for more information.

Lyon County 4-H Scholarships

Lyon County 4-H seniors can apply for local scholarships through Feb. 24, 2025. Please check out the application for requirements and details on how to apply. No late appilcations are accepted, so do not delay!

Generous scholarships to be awarded in 2025 include:

Bluestem Farm and Ranch Supply of Emporia ($300.00 nonrenewable)

Larrie Miley Scholarship ($750.00 renewable) (New for 2025)

Harry & Marjory Fowler Memorial Scholarship ($200 renewable)

Marcia Arndt Memorial Scholarship ($100) Must be awarded to High School Senior

P. Kay Duncan Memorial Scholarship ($200 nonrenewable) Emphasis on the horse project

4-H Alumni Scholarship ($250 nonrenewable)

Lyon County Fair Board Scholarship ($250 nonrenewable) Must have exhibited at the Lyon County fair for the last five years

Lee Nelson Memorial Scholarship ($500)

Houck Family Scholarship ($300)

For those intersted in applying for state level scholarships, check out information on the state website. Applications are due no later than March 1, 2025.

4-H youth interested in wildlife and also attending Emporia State University, check out the What's in the Outdoors 4-H scholarship available through the Emporia Community Foundation. Applications are due May 1.