4-H record keeping
Kansas 4-H released has new 4-H project record keeping forms. These new records are specific to 4-H age divisions including seniors (14-18), intermediate (10-13) and juniors (7-9). Each age divison also has specific record forms for animal and non-animal 4-H projects.
You can find all the forms and detailed information about how to download and use the form fillable option for the age and animal or non-animal project you need via the Kansas 4-H website record keeping link. Great information is shared on the state page, and be sure to pay attention to how to download and use the new forms. I don't want you to lose your hard work, so make sure you download the forms with a current Adobe Reader. You may also come into the Extension Office for printed copies of these records if you would like your younger 4-Her to complete them by hand.
Below is some of the tips on the Kansas 4-H website, so be sure to read information here and visit the state site!
To help you through this process, please refer to the Guide to Kansas 4-H Project Recognition.
Before you begin to keep project record reports for the year, please make sure you have a current version of Adobe Reader DC. If you do not, you may download a free version, here: https://get.adobe.com/reader/. When you click on that link, the following screen will appear. "Uncheck" the 3 boxes in the middle column and click on the link circled in green to begin your download. Follow the prompts to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
Be sure to look for these fillable records.
Project Record Report Forms
Junior General Project Report Form (ages 7-9) fillable PDF
Junior Animal Project Report Form (ages 7-9) fillable PDF
Intermediate General Project Report Form (ages 10-13) fillable PDF
Intermediate Animal Project Report Form (ages 10-13) fillable PDF
Senior General Project Report Form (ages 14-18) fillable PDF
Senior Animal Project Report Form (ages 14-18) fillable PDF
There are many other resources on this page, so please reach out to your club leader or Rhett via ranewby@ksu.edu if you have record keeping questions.
4-Hers keep track of project information and complete end of the year records. A record should be completed for each project of which the 4-Her enrolled each year. A complete and verified record may result in a 4-Her qualifying for a project pin, purchased by Lyon County 4-H Council, to be awarded at the Achievement Celebration hosted in early November annually.
Lyon County 4-Hers ages 14-18 must complete the senior state record form to be considered for the county champion award. The county champion record in each project area then may qualify for the Southeast Area record judging contest.
Age specific forms are also available for Intermediate (9-13) and juniors (7-8) 4-Hers. These KAPs are should be completed and turned in to Club Leaders who sign off on the Checklist For Excellence In a 4-H Project Achievement Award document to indicate if the 4-Her earned a project pin for his or her record keeping skills.
Club Leaders are responsible for collecting project records from their club members and then compiling the record totals. You must communicate with your club leader and follow his or her deadlines for turning in recordss to them to qualify for a pin(s).
Don't forget a Personal Page
4-H Membership Pins
4-H members also complete Membership Pins annually. These pins are different than project pins and recognize a 4-Her for overall 4-H involvement and growth. Be sure to apply for these annually, regardless of the number of KAPs/record books your 4-Her does.
If you are a new member, you will complete and sign the Membership Pin. If you have earned a pin in the past, please check out the 2020 Achievement Program to determine what pin you earn next.