Walk Kansas

This year I would love to meet you, as well as encourage you to be accountable to walking.

Walk Kansas kickoff is March 30th and runs through May 24th .

To register

To register as a team, the team captain will need your email. The team captain will turn in payments for their team. Register online on the Walk Kansas Website (Click Here to Register ) or if you want to turn your registration in to the office you may download the registration packet by clicking here. Registration is $10.00 per person for Walk Kansas and all activities. Please either mail or drop off check or cash to the Lyon County Extension Office.

The Extension Office will place one order with a deadline of Thursday, April 3rd to share shipping cost. Payment must be in the office before order will be placed. Orders may also be placed at shopwalkkansas.com through the end of May. To place an order through the Lyon County Extension Office please contact Melody Garcia or Elizabeth Lowery at ly@listserv.ksu.edu or (620) 341-3220.

Walk Kansas is a team-based program that will help you and others lead a healthier life by being more active, making better nutrition choices, and learning positive ways to deal with stress. This year participants have the option to walk "solo" versus on a team if preferred. Come join us and take small steps to a healthier lifestyle.


Melody Garcia
Family and Community Wellness
Extension Agent

K-State Research and Extension
Lyon County
2632 W. Highway 50
Emporia, KS 66801
